CRAFT3d MOOC on 3D-printing for the wood craft sector&guide
A set of technical high-quality modules focused on 3D Modelling and
Printing, with a specific focus on its application in the wood
manufacturing sector. Each module will integrate video tutorials and the
CRAFT3D Assessment Tool.
The learning units are:
The Learning Units:
1. Introduction to 3D printing
Introduction to 3D printing
2. 3D printing technologies
3D printing technologies
3. 3D Printing equipment
3D printing equipment
4.3D CAD modelling software applications
3D CAD modelling software applications
5. Obtain the physical model using services offered by 3D Printing providers
Obtain the physical model using services offered by 3D Printing providers
6. 3D Printing an object on a low-cost filament deposition-based printer
3D Printing an object on a low-cost filament deposition-based printer
7. 3DP and the wood craft sector
3DP and the wood craft sector
8. Design a wood craft object with 3D printing in mind
Design a wood craft object with 3D printing in mind
9. Case studies in the wood manufacturing to show the potential of 3D printing for boosting sustainability, creativity and innovation
Case studies in the wood manufacturing to show the potential of 3D
printing for boosting sustainability, creativity and innovation
CRAFT3d MOOC on 3D-printing for the wood craft sector&guide
CRAFT3D assessment tool CRAFT3D mentorship programme&guide
A tailor-made assessment tool for VET providers to monitor the online learning process of VET learners. It includes:
1. questionnaires to assess the digital literacy levels of the users
2. quizzes on the knowledge
3. based contents
4. practical exercises
5. mentoring and tutoring via the CRAFT3D Mentorship Programme guidelines